Berwyn Hung
Curious philosopher and Professor of Creative Practice, Berwyn Hung has always been fascinated by how things work. A tinkerer from a young age, he’s taken countless items apart over the years to see how they tick but his tinkering isn’t limited to physical builds. Looking at the intersections of technology, society, what drives us is the heart of his courses.
His goal for his students is to teach them how to be problem solvers. And the first step to that goal is to learn how to identify a problem. Don’t expect to walk in a straight line in his classes, as solutions can come from any direction and sometimes the journey is the lesson.
Berwyn holds both a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Master of Fine Arts degree. Before coming to the Brandcenter, Berwyn was Director of Program Development at The Creative Circus, where he taught Design and Art Direction. His artwork and other pieces are in museum collections across the world, including The MoMA and The Met, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the London V+A Museum, to name a few.
When he’s not challenging Brandcenter students to innovate further than they thought possible, you may find Berwyn learning a new skill, researching about some new trend or building another project.