Will Cauthen

Will Cauthen

Instructor, Art Direction

I am a tool.

There’s something to be said about building that’s so gratifying. It’s a human engagement that can be done with family, friends, co-workers or in isolation. You have a goal and a plan to carry it out. Be it building a structure, a business… a future. Tangible or intangible, in order to do it well, you need the righttools. The Creative Circus, historically and presently, offers up the means to construct anything.

I too, am a tool, in the positive capacity. My name is Will Cauthen. I have been trained and worked professionally as an art director/designer/creative director and sometimes, quite often as of late, a copywriter for the past twenty five, plus years. I love what I do. As creative professionals, we’re constantly tasked with learning something new about a product or service and the most efficient/cutting edge way to sell or promote said entity. Let’s get to work and build.